If your objective is to constantly intercept new prospects who are interested in your business, then our performance marketing solutions are right for you! Thanks to our knowledge and expertise in advertising, we can guarantee that every advertising campaign is optimised and highly targeted. We create online marketing solutions that are completely customised for your business, combining the online channels that can best help you to achieve your objectives.
The first steps for creating an effective online advertising campaign are to analyse your business needs, always
stay focused on the objective you want to reach, and be very clear about who your target is.
In order for an advertising campaign to be on the mark, you have to know who it’s addressing. Clearly
identifying your target is essential for the success of the campaign itself. Being familiar with your prospects
makes it possible to choose and combine the most suitable online channels, so that you can attract their attention
and guide them to performing the desired action. Thanks to our many years of experience and our proprietary
databases, we can ensure that every online advertising campaign is highly targeted.
Whatever your objective is, with our digital marketing solutions we can create a multi-channel and multi-device
strategy that’s completely customised and effective.
Our digital marketing solutions are made up of multi-channel strategies which include the publication of advertising
campaigns on multiple online channels. Implementing a multi-channel strategy for you business has different
benefits, one of which is that of being able to exploit the characteristics of each channel, taking advantage of
each quality in order to most effectively achieve your final objective while optimising your budget. Being able to
incorporate multiple channels in your strategy, makes it possible to create a more complete and high performance
experience for prospects.
The multi-channel strategy creates a customer experience that’s able to intercept a greater number of
prospects. Using multiple channels for your advertising campaigns increases the probability of reaching a more
heterogeneous target and acquiring more interested prospects.
We constantly monitor and optimise advertising campaigns, analysing their performance on every chosen channel so
that we can evaluate prospects’ trends and behaviour. The objective of our digital marketing solutions is to
satisfy your business’s needs, from targeted lead generation to brand awareness.
We strengthen your online campaign, always guaranteeing the quality of the leads.
Link >Its strength lies in not being invasive. This is useful for achieving high performance and increasing brand awareness.
Link >We create a kind of communication that’s loyal, clear, optimal, and integrated on all online networks.
Link >SEO intervenes organically to increase the website's trust through on-site activities, optimizing content and code, and off-site through link building.
Link >SEM utilizes the Google network and other search engines to structure ads based on keywords, intercepting users where they are most interested, namely, during their own online search.
Link >Obtain a large number of high quality, interested, new leads.
Link >SMS marketing guarantees an open rate of almost 100%.
Link >Le nostre soluzioni marketing sono versatili e si adattano alle esigenze e agli obiettivi del tuo business. Le nostre campagne pubblicitarie sono studiate e curate per raggiungere diversi obiettivi.
Our digital marketing solutions are versatile and can adapt to the needs and objectives of your business. Our
advertising campaigns are designed and curated to achieve different objectives.
Lead generation: this type of campaign is perfect if you need to intercept new, interested prospects and generate a
list of leads to engage. In this case, the prospect is asked to leave his or her data in order to request additional
information, be contacted again, or receive a prize or free gift.
Sales: in this case we’re talking about direct sales. The goal of the campaign is to lead prospects to the
direct purchase of a product or service, without any intermediate steps. Direct sales are excellent for those who
have, for example, an online store, but can be adapted to every kind of business.
Brand awareness: brand awareness campaigns are suitable for businesses who seek to improve their recognisability and
positioning. In this case it’s even more important to have a clear idea of your target, so that you can most
effectively communicate your brand and reach prospects directly.
Traffic: the objective of these campaigns is to create a greater catchment area on a website or landing page. In
this case the needs can be different: bringing a potentially interested prospect to your website increases the
probability of converting him or her into a client.
With our performance marketing solutions you can achieve your objectives, thanks to multi-channel strategies and
advertising campaigns that are customised and optimised.
All of our online marketing solutions respect the European regulations governing privacy. When one launches an
advertising campaign, it’s necessary to collect personal data, and this must be done in observance of
regulations and in a way that’s transparent to prospects.
Prospects must always be clearly informed about the collection of their data and how it will be used. Consent must
be clear, detailed, and specific. Respecting the GDPR is fundamental when online marketing strategies are
implemented. Entrusting yourself to qualified agencies that know their way around this sector is crucial to ensuring
that your ad respects regulations and prospects.